• Distribution
    YouTube monetization, Music, Ringtones, Artist verification on Spotify and Apple Music. We deliver it to all the major platforms. Spotify, Apple Music, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Google Music, Amazon, Deezer, Pandora and many more. We work closely with the platforms, to seek opportunities for their editorial support, playlists, feature releases and more.
  • Publishing Administration
    We create new sources of income by registering you as a songwriter for FREE, and through our publishing team we are able to seek and collect your publishing royalties worldwide. Mechanical, performing, sync and micro-sync, all in one place even though there are 50+ mechanical and performing organisations we work with. You do your music, we take care of all the papers to get you paid!
  • Statistics
    Loudcom Media will provide to you full statistics on every store, your streams, downloads with all the details on their usage from any specific store you request.
  • Fast Delivery
    Through direct connections, we are able to deliver extremely fast to all the major platforms. Forget about waiting 3 to 5 days… We can deliver your music in 24Hours.

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2021 Loudcom Media